Sunday, July 10, 2011

What Do the Birthers Think About the News That Barack Obama Sr. Contemplated Adoption?

Because of my acquaintance with a Birther, a conservative Republican banker with a messy and hypocritical personal life, I know there are still some stragglers who hold on to the notion that our president's birth certificate is fake. What will the Birthers do with the heartbreaking news that Barack Obama Sr. may have thought about putting Barack Jr. up for adoption to help himself with sticky immigration issues? I'm sure they'll say it's just part of the conspiracy . . .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Has David Letterman Stopped Making Fun of Sarah Palin?

Since David Letterman's June 2009 run-in with Sarah Palin, when she overreacted to his lame joke about Alex Rodriguez impregnating her daughter, he has made her a figure of fun in his monologue almost every night. But since Tucson, I don't think he's mentioned her at all.

Perhaps Letterman is now so disgusted that he's lost interest in mocking her. He has always acted as our nation's conscience, and his new disinterest might be an indication that Palin's ubiquitousness is about to evaporate.

Although I will miss Letterman's enjoyable Palin jokes, I hope he is right that our long national nightmare is over.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maybe Barbara Walters Needs to Follow Larry King and Regis Philbin Out to Pasture

This morning on The View, during a discussion about Ron Reagan revealing in his new book that his father perhaps displayed some early Alzheimer's symptoms during his presidency, Barbara Walters had the nerve to say that she had seen far more of Ronald Reagan during those years than any of his children(!) and could therefore state unequivocally that the president showed no indications of any illness at all during his term in office. A tad presumptuous?

Last month on the show, Walters bet Joy Behar that Katharine Hepburn had originated the quote "Old age is for sissies." (Behar had just stated that the quote came from Bette Davis.) A few minutes later a producer spoke into Walters's earpiece and Walters burst out: "It was Bette Davis who first said that. You owe me!" Behar was deferential when she pointed out that Davis had been her pick, but it was still a crazy moment.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If the Author of a Book Wears False Eyelashes, Most Likely Someone Else Wrote It

The new season of The Hills reminded me of my serendipitous attendance at two bookstore readings by Hills-related authors, Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag (who appeared with her coauthor and husband, Spencer Pratt).

Last November I found myself killing time at the Borders inside the upscale mall at Columbus Circle in New York, and discovered that Heidi and Spencer were there to promote their just-published book, How to Be Famous.

I did not want to be seen by anyone who might know me at a Heidi and Spencer reading, but I thought my Hills-watching niece might want some inside dirt into what the real Heidi was like. (This was before the ten plastic surgeries.) So I headed toward the area where readings are held and soon heard Heidi's high-pitched squealing, and a woman walking next to me moaned, "God, I hate her voice."

Instead of the usual chairs set up for book lovers, about a hundred photographers with popping flashbulbs stood in front of Heidi and Spencer, and two enormous security men were positioned behind them. This wouldn't be a reading, I learned, just a book-signing. Those who wanted a signed copy were told to enter a crowd-controlling roped-off maze, as if Queen Elizabeth herself were making an appearance.

I did not want a book, signed or unsigned, but I did gawk for a while. Heidi's waist-long platinum hair looked like nothing found in nature, resembling the cheap hair you'd find on a Barbie doll knockoff. Her makeup was caked on and her eyelashes were thick and long. No real author wears false eyelashes, but Heidi isn't a real author, of course. A ghostwriter, no doubt someone far less glamorous, must have done the actual work.

There weren't enough buyers to keep these "authors" signing, so Heidi and Spencer spent the time bantering with the photographers. Then something happened that made me realize that publishing as I once knew it is dead. As a man entered the security maze, Heidi yelled, "Hey, it's Mel Berger!" A literary agent at the William Morris Agency, Berger is a no-nonsense old-style publishing veteran I had dealt with many times in my career. What could he possibly want with Heidi and Spencer?

He posed for a photo with Heidi and Spencer, chatted a few seconds, then took off. I can only assume he is their agent; but even so, why would someone of his stature want a photo taken with them? I hope he also has a young niece who finds Heidi intriguing.

After that night, I never saw Heidi and Spencer's literary venture in any store or a review in any publication. It disappeared without a trace.

Three months later, I arrived in Tribeca an hour too early for a dinner, so wandered over to the nearby Barnes & Noble. Lo and behold, I found another Hills author, Lauren Conrad, about to sign some books. As with her Hills costars, Lauren would not be reading from her work, no chairs were set up for the event, and a hundred photographers waited. But there were differences too. Lauren drew a huge audience--hundreds of teenage girls were lined up in the roped-off security maze--and the photographers were allowed only a few minutes with Lauren, then asked to leave by the woman running the signing, so that Lauren could "spend time with you all." At this, the girls, many of whom had been lined up since early that morning, began to scream. Unlike Heidi and Spencer, Lauren sold some books.

Lauren's fame seems accidental. She appeared on a reality show and because she possesses that intangible quality that makes young America embrace her, she became a celebrity. MTV tried to duplicate her success, but hasn't found anyone else with her appeal. Someone like her would never fall for someone like Spencer. She seemed polite and well-raised, but cannily knew how to keep the overzealous fans at bay. I watched as a homeless man approached for her signature, and she treated him as gracefully as she did the others.

But Lauren's false eyelashes also cast a shadow on her face. I suppose she also didn't write the two books carrying her byline that were available to be signed that day.

Can I say with certainty that Real Authors Don't Wear False Eyelashes? Probably not. I bet Muriel Spark flirted with them back in the sixties, when they were high style. Maybe Edna O'Brien too. But it's hard to think of anyone else. I doubt even a writer like Ayn Rand would have resorted to such artifice.

P.S. In my book, Ann Coulter, whose giant false eyelashes were parodied as butterflies by Wanda Sykes, is not a real author.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Who Invented Cubism?

Pablo Picasso receives credit for originating the cubist style of painting with his 1907 masterpiece Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. But a passage in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass--published in 1871!--makes us think that maybe it wasn't actually Picasso who conceived of cubism. In this excerpt from Through the Looking-Glass, Carroll's egg-like character, Humpty Dumpty, tells the young girl Alice how hard it will be to recognize her if they meet again, because human beings look so much alike:

"I shouldn't know you again if we did meet," Humpty Dumpty replied in a discontented tone, giving her one of his fingers to shake; "you're so exactly like other people."

"The face is what one goes by, generally," Alice remarked in a thoughtful tone.

"That's just what I complain of," said Humpty Dumpty. "Your face is the same as everybody has--the two eyes, so--" (marking their places in the air with his thumb) "nose in the middle, mouth under. It's always the same. Now if you had the two eyes on the same side of the nose, for instance--or the mouth at the top--that would be some help."

"It wouldn't look nice," Alice objected. But Humpty Dumpty only shut his eyes and said "Wait till you've tried."

It is said that the early cubists--Picasso, George Braque, Jean Metzinger, Juan Gris--were influenced by mathematical theories. Cubists painted fragmented forms, sometimes literally as cubes, sometimes showing different aspects of the same figures over and over, and sometimes distorting features. Carroll--as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, his real name--was a brilliant mathematician who taught this subject for many years at Oxford. So perhaps he invented cubism?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Gods Don't Like Hubris

Two weeks ago I finally caught up with Happens Every Day, the memoir by Isabel Gillies about the breakup of her marriage. It so profoundly annoyed me that I can't get it out of my mind. I'd hate to go so far as to say that Gillies may have deserved what happened to her, but the constant gloating about the superiority of her "perfect" family life surely played some part. It's not wise to offend the gods.

Of course, her poor choice in men didn't help matters. For those who don't know the background, Gillies is an actress whose handsome husband, an Oberlin poetry professor, left her for a colleague. But "Josiah" had done the same thing to his first wife, while she was pregnant with his child. Red flag, Isabel, red flag.

The weirdest part is that Gillies had also cultivated her rival, "Sylvia"—alternately described as a dead ringer for Audrey Hepburn, Winona Ryder, Natalie Portman, and Irene Jacob—and repeatedly attempts to explain her incredibly creepy reasons for doing so:

"I felt sorry for her because her husband was in New York and she didn't have children, a fabulous house, and a marvelous man, like I had. I wanted to make her feel good about herself."

"To me, she was seeing an example of what you can achieve if you put hard work into a marriage and keep your eye on the ball of your shared goals. We were showing her how it was done."

"What I was doing was trying to lead by example. I wanted her to stay in the town with me and get her husband to come and live there. He was an actor in New York whom I had never heard of [unlike her own well-known self?]. . . . We could make our own cool city, where we could teach what we wanted, be progressive politically, eat organically from our friend's [sic] restaurants, live in cheap, beautiful houses and have many dinner parties in them, raise our babies together, all of whom would learn violin by the age of six with the Suzuki method that was taught at the conservatory."

The gods don't like hubris very much. Happens Every Day is a hubris-fest.

Have I mentioned that Gillies once appeared on the cover of Seventeen and twice dated Mick Jagger? Let's let her tell us, in her own brand of non sequitur–like prose: "Because I was on the cover of Seventeen magazine when I was fourteen and I am an actress, I depend on the fact that, objectively, I am good-looking. Tall, blond hair, odd looks but undeniably attractive. "

Because she made the cover of Seventeen, it follows that she is attractive? And all actresses are good-looking? What is she talking about?

In the sloppily written Happens Every Day, Gillies overuses her parentheses (that is, she digresses much too often), and contradicts herself over and over. Witness how she slips in her history with Jagger: "I didn't even tell [Josiah] I went on two dates with Mick Jagger in L.A. because I didn't want to ruin the Rolling Stones for him." But next she tells us that her husband has never been particularly jealous.

Gillies, who taught a theatre class at Oberlin, then offers her warped theory of education:

"You always want your students to think you look great and to be intimidated by you. It's tricky, the student/teacher relationship. You must be close enough so they feel they can open themselves to you and learn, but not so close that they think you are their friend and can ask you where you got your clothes. You are older than they are, cooler, have much more under your belt."

I'm sure Gillies is a decent-enough person who truly suffered when her husband left her, but did this story really need to be told?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"The Recession Is Over. It's As If It Never Happened."

This was overheard in a Chelsea art gallery today. One gallery receptionist greeted an employee from another gallery with this good news. She went on to explain that her gallery has sold many pieces from the current show, and she hears that other galleries are experiencing the same. Her friend reported that her gallery has also bounced back. Phew, what a relief. Jobs must be on the way.

Seriously, the most worthwhile experience in Chelsea today was getting to see John Lurie's paintings at Fredericks and Freiser on Twenty-fourth Street. I remember a perfectly pleasant show at a different gallery a few years back, with drawings and paintings more crude than those I saw today, but Lurie's new work is really something—delightful and surprising.

On the other hand, the most popular show in Chelsea today seemed to be "Oil," the Edward Burtynsky photographs at Hasted Hunt Kraeutler. Also much recommended.