Saturday, October 17, 2009

"The Recession Is Over. It's As If It Never Happened."

This was overheard in a Chelsea art gallery today. One gallery receptionist greeted an employee from another gallery with this good news. She went on to explain that her gallery has sold many pieces from the current show, and she hears that other galleries are experiencing the same. Her friend reported that her gallery has also bounced back. Phew, what a relief. Jobs must be on the way.

Seriously, the most worthwhile experience in Chelsea today was getting to see John Lurie's paintings at Fredericks and Freiser on Twenty-fourth Street. I remember a perfectly pleasant show at a different gallery a few years back, with drawings and paintings more crude than those I saw today, but Lurie's new work is really something—delightful and surprising.

On the other hand, the most popular show in Chelsea today seemed to be "Oil," the Edward Burtynsky photographs at Hasted Hunt Kraeutler. Also much recommended.

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